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Morning yoga - hommiku jooga

Prices vary
Narva maantee 38-405 (Trepikoda 4)

Service Description

Morning yoga to ease into breathing and moving to get our morning started and keep our week going. Good vibes. Good company. Positive communication with ourselves:) This is a safe space for all. No previous experience with yoga is necessary. Classes start with sun salutations to warm up and continue with a sequence of standing and seated poses to balance and calm the body and mind. Registrate through the website. Use the doorbell 405 downstairs and come to the 4th floor. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before to start all together. Come as you are. We have all, yoga mats and props for you. Hommikune jooga praktika sobib igas tasemes õpilastele. Praktiseerimine vabastab keha sinna kogunenud pingetest ning paneb energia vabalt liikuma. See on parim viis alustada oma päeva- kerge ja puhta keha ning vaimuga. Hommikune jooga on mõeldud praktiseerimiseks kõigile ning ei eelda eelnevat kogemust. Samas on võimalik asanaid muuta väljakutsuvamaks vastavalt õpilase tasemele. Kohapeal on matid, padjad, blokid, rihmad ja pleedid kõik vajalik et saaksid tundi nautida! Stuudio asub neljandal korrusel (uksekell 405). Tund on inglise keeles. Osaluspanus 1x 15€ 4x 40€ 10x 90€ (kaart kehtib 2 kuud ostukuupäevast) Limiteerimata kuukaart 65€ Tasumine sularahas või eelnevalt kokku leppides arvega. Registreerimine kodulehel.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel the class later than 1 day before, it will be counted as a class/day off from your card 🙏

Contact Details

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