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Tallinn Vinyasa, Yin & Restorative Yoga Training (3 x 50hr/300hr)

This 150hr training in Vinyasa as taught by the "Rocketman" Larry Schultz, Yin and Restorative Yoga is the first half of Inbodhi's 300hr advanced teacher training programme and consists of three 50hr modules which can be taken together or individually.

Tallinn Vinyasa, Yin & Restorative Yoga Training (3 x 50hr/300hr)
Tallinn Vinyasa, Yin & Restorative Yoga Training (3 x 50hr/300hr)

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Tallinn, Narva maantee 38, Trepikoda 4, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia

About the Event

This 150hr training that focuses on the Rocket Vinyasa sequences, Yin and Restorative Yoga is the first half of Inbodhi's 300hr advanced teacher training programme and consists of three 50hr modules which can be taken together or individually. Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga module are open to all.

MODULE 1 - 50hr Rocket Vinyasa 1st Sequence 

May 2024 (inperson+ online weekly meetings)

This is the first step in the 300 Hours Program, it goes together with two other 50hr trainings:

1. Module 2 - Rocket Vinyasa 2nd sequence (50hr).

2. Yin and Restorative Yoga (50hr).

This module builds on what we've learned in the Inbodhi 200hr programme or 3 Day Immersion and explores the Rocket Vinyasa 1st sequence. This module is designed to support current yoga instructors in learning the tools and techniques of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, from a modern, Western Perspective.

In this training, we’ll deepen all the Main Ingredients of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice and the philosophy and teachings of the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga on and off the mat. You will learn about the history of Ashtanga, and the lineage of the Rocket. Larry Schultz designed this practice to wake up the nervous system and feed the precious prana, life energy. The spirit of change and freedom is found within the practice. Your practice will never be the same again, and the practice will start to change the way you live your life.

Sequences covered during this training: Full and Modified Primary & Rocket Vinyasa 1st sequence.

Pre-requirement to join the 1st module:

MODULE 2 - 50hr Rocket Vinyasa 2nd Sequence 

September 2024 (inperson+ online weekly meetings)

When the foundation is there - we can start to FLY. This training will inspire you on every level. You will learn to practice & teach all Rocket sequences for all levels - Welcome (back) to the circle!

Following on from the previous module, we deepen our understanding of how to practice and facilitate the Rocket sequences effectively as we explore the Rocket 2 sequence, which is based on the second series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - with a twist! All our intensive Rocket yoga trainings are designed to share and break down the world-famous Rocket routines. They are physically awakening and mind soothing with enhanced drills, core routines and modifications to support students in deepening their experience with the advanced poses of the Ashtanga System. Expect plenty of arm balances, inversions and heart-openers as well as diving deeper into Yoga off the Mat. 

Sequences covered during this training: Rocket 1, 2 & 3

Modules 1 & 2 are about integrating the practice on and off the mat and learning the main ingredients of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Learn all 6 sequences: Rocket 1, 2, 3, Full Primary & Modified Primary Series and MDR - Minimum Daily requirement.

Pre-requirement to join the 2nd module:

  • Inbodhi 50Hr training (module 1)

MODULE 3 - 50hr Yin & Restorative Training 

October 2024 (inperson+ online weekly meetings)

We will explore the history and philosophy of Yin and Restorative Yoga, learn about Myofascial meridian lines and the energetic and physical effects of these still practices - as well as break down poses and practice sequencing.

You will learn how to sequence and safely practice and facilitate Yin and Restorative classes according to your interests, integrating knowledge of the elements and exploring supportive touch, breath awareness and the use of props and essential oils.

This module is open to everyone! No previous practice is needed. You can join the training days and get the knowledge for your self-directed Yin practice or at any point of your 300hr program.

Location & Language

The studio is situated in the centre of the capital of Estonia. The course and the materials are in English.


Marilyn Jurman (Estonia, 500hr E-RYT) is a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as taught by the "Rocketman" Larry Schultz yoga teacher trainer. She has a university degree in psychology and performing arts. She is currently in the PhD program in psychology. She is certified in foundational cognitive-behavioural therapy and family therapy courses.

Dates: TBA

300hr. Program pre-requirement 

Inbodhi or It's Yoga 200hr Certification

or Yoga Alliance 200hr Certification + Inbodhi online 3 Days (Register for online immersion:


200€ for Inbodhi online 3 Days introduction for non-Inbodhi graduates

750€ for 50hr Rocket inspired or Yin Yoga module if taken separately

2100€ (500€ non-refundable deposit) for the 3 modules paid together

Early Bird (paid in full 4 weeks before the training dates)

1900€ for the 3 modules paid together 

650€ per 50hr module 

“Inbodhi - A Yoga Circle"

This name has been consciously chosen to represent enlightenment, peace, our innate connectedness with nature, and the sacred Union experienced in the practice of Yoga. The Circle is one of trust, equanimity, transformation, and spiritual freedom. We ‘Inbodhi’ a collective community where all are welcome, neutrality and equality reign, and Yoga is supreme.

The purpose of Inbodhi is to be authentic, committed, honest, humble, open to inner guidance, grounded in love, and connected in tradition, so that we may share the sacred teaching of the practice of yoga, serve, support, and lead transformational trainings, therefore having a flourishing global community abiding in peace, trust, abundance, equanimity, harmony, spiritual freedom, joy and inspiration. The vision of Inbodhi is to be true to our tradition of sharing the Love of the practice.

"Inbodhi Your Yoga Journey."

>>>See jooga õpetajate kursus ja materjalid on inglise keeles.<<<

See 150-tunnine Rocket inspireeritud, Yin ja Taastava jooga koolitus on Inbodhi 300h edasijõudnud jooga õpetajate koolituse esimene pool ja koosneb kolmest 50h moodulist, mida saab läbida koos või eraldi. Yin ja taastava jooga moodul on avatud kõigile.

MOODUL 1 - 50h Rocket 1. seeria koolitus

Mai 2024 (kohapeal + online kohtumised)

See on 300h programmi esimene samm ja käib kokku kahe teise 50h koolitusega: moodul 2 ja 50h Yin ja taastava koolitus.

See moodul tugineb Inbodhi 200h või 3 päevasele 3 Day Immersion õpitule ja uurib Rocket 1 seeriat. See moodul on loodud selleks, et toetada praegusi joogaõpetajaid Ashtanga Vinyasa jooga tööriistade ja tehnikate õppimisel tänapäeva lääne vaatenurgast.

Sellel koolitusel süvendame kõiki Ashtanga Vinyasa jooga praktika põhikomponente ning Ashtanga jooga kaheksa haru filosoofiat ja õpetusi matil ja matilt maas. Saad teada Ashtanga ajaloost ja Rocket jooga päritolust. Larry Schultz kavandas selle praktika närvisüsteemi äratamiseks ja väärtusliku praana ehk eluenergia toitmiseks. Muutus ja vabadus leitakse läbi praktika. Sinu praktika ei ole enam kunagi endine ja see hakkab muutma ka seda, kuidas sa oma elu elad.

Seeriad, mida õpitakse siin moodulis: Modifitseeritud ja terve esimene seeria ja Rocket 1

Eeldused 1. moodulil osalemiseks:

MOODUL 2 - 50hr Rocket inspireeritud 2 ja 3 koolitus

September 2024  (kohapeal+ online kohtumised)

Kui vundament on laotud - saame hakata lendama. See koolitus inspireerib sind igal tasandil. Õpid harjutama ja õpetama kõiki Rocket jooga seeriaid kõigil tasemetel – Tere tulemast (tagasi) joogaringi!

Eelmise mooduli jätkuna süvendame oma arusaama sellest, kuidas Rocket jooga seeriaid tõhusalt harjutada ja hõlbustada, kui süveneme Rocket 2 seeriasse, mis põhineb Ashtanga Vinyasa jooga teisel seerial – keerdkäiguga! Kõik meie intensiivsed Rocket jooga koolitused on keskendunud maailmakuulsate Rocket jooga rutiinide jagamiseks ja lahti harutamiseks. Need on füüsiliselt äratavad ja rahustavad meelt - täiustatud harjutuste, põhirutiinide ja modifikatsioonidega, mis aitavad õpilastel minna Ashtanga süsteemiga sügavamale. Ole valmis rohketeks käte tasakaalu asenditeks, tagurpidi asenditeks ja südame avamiseks ning joogasse sügavamat sukeldumiseks matil ja matilt maas.

Seeriad, mida õpitakse siin moodulis: Rocket 1, 2 & 3

Moodulid 1 ja 2 käsitlevad praktika integreerimist matil ja matilt maas ning Ashtanga Vinyasa jooga põhikomponentide õppimist. Õpid kõiki 6 seeriat: Rocket 1, 2, 3, Esimene Seeria, Modifitseeritud Esimene Seeria ja MDR - minimaalne päevane vajadus.

Eeldused 2. moodulil osalemiseks:

  • Inbodhi 50h moodul 1 koolitus

MOODUL 3 - 50hr Yin ja Taastava jooga koolitus

Oktoober 2024 (kohapeal+ online kohtumised)

Uurime Yini ja Taastava jooga ajalugu ja filosoofiat, õpime tundma meridiaani jooni ja nende liikumatute praktikate energeetilisi ja füüsilisi toimimisi – samuti pooside lahti harutamine ja järjestuse harjutamine.

Õpid, kuidas järjestada ja ohutult harjutada ja hõlbustada Yin ja Taastava jooga tunde vastavalt oma huvidele, integreerides teadmisi elementidest ja uurides toetavat puudutust, teadlikku hingamist ning abivahendite ja eeterlike õlide kasutamist.

Eeldused 3. moodulil osalemiseks:

See moodul on avatud kõigile! Varasemat praktikat pole vaja. Saad liituda koolituspäevadega ja omandada teadmisi enda juhitud Yini praktikaks või liituda 300h programmi mis tahes punktis.

300hr. programmi eeldused

Inbodhi 200h tunnistus või YA 200h tunnistus + Inbodhi online 3 päevane kursus


200€ - Inbodhi online 3 päevane kursus neile, kes tulevad teisest koolist

750€ - 50h Rocket inspireeritud või Yin jooga moodul eraldi

2100€ kolm moodulit korraga makstes (500€ tagastamatu ettemaks koha kindlustamiseks)

Early Bird (makstud 4 nädalat enne treeningu algust)

1900€ või 1 moodul haaval 650€


Marilyn Jurman (500h E-RYT) ja teised Inbodhi jooga õpetajate treenerid. 

Marilyn Jurman on lõpetanud jooga 4 aastase õppe joogakoolitajana, psühholoogia MA, psühholoogia PhD (pooleli), näitlemise BA ja kognitiiv-käitumusliku teraapia kursuse ning pereteraapia kursuse.

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