Inbodhi - A Yoga Circle is a collective of 8 yoga studios and locations in Europe. Following the teachings of Larry "Rocketman" Schultz, we offer classes, workshops and teacher training in Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga as well as in Yin and Restorative Yoga. Inbodhi is a commUNITY - both locally and internationally - and we can't wait to welcome you.
The purpose of Inbodhi is to be authentic, committed, honest, humble, open to inner guidance, grounded in love, and connected in tradition, that we may share the sacred teaching of the practice of yoga, serve, support, and lead transformational trainings, therefore having a flourishing global community abiding in peace, trust, abundance, equanimity, harmony, spiritual freedom, joy and inspiration.
This name has been consciously chosen to represent enlightenment, peace, our innate connectedness with nature, and the sacred Union experienced in the practice of Yoga. The Circle is one of trust, equanimity, transformation, and spiritual freedom. We ‘Inbodhi’ a collective community where all are welcome, neutrality and equality reign, and Yoga is supreme.
Our Mission is to be grounded in love and Honesty. To inspire and empower a lifelong journey of Yoga on the mat and into the world

The founder of the Rocket yoga - Larry Schultz "The Rocketman" studied with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois for seven years. He developed his much beloved Rocket routines which are a variation of the classical first, second and third series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga while he was touring with the band The Grateful Dead as their private yoga teacher.
He was one of the first to step out of the box by stretching the boundaries of the classical Ashtanga System with modifications of the advanced poses, shifting the philosophy that one pose had to be completed perfectly before the next was given. He passed away on February 27, 2011, in Toledo, Ohio while visiting his wife’s family.
His memory, teachings, energy, and living legacy will be eternal.
At Inbodhi, we dissolve the hierarchy of postures and invite beginners and advanced practitioners to practice in the same room - heightening energy and inspiration in the class. The same student may be advanced in one posture, and a beginner in the next. When the breath opens up the practice, the forms and levels of the poses shift and we all - the poses and the practitioners - become equal.
Honouring every student’s potential is an essential part of who we are. We trust that the practice will support each individual in growing at the pace that best serves them - whether this is through invigorating Rocket sequences that were founded by Larry Schultz or our more restorative classes. We believe that in our modern - and often hectic world - we need a little bit of both.
Rocket Vinyasa Sequences
Rocket is inspired by the classical Ashtanga Vinyasa series. It is a perfect marriage of tempo and sequence, suitable for all level students. The full range of modifications are offered during the class, so that practitioners of all levels can go experience Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, breath and asana from where they are in their practice. Rocket is designed to wake up the nervous system, feeding it with precious prana and supporting the practice with the free and fun flow. Rocket 1 has its focus on the legs, shoulders, and abs. Be ready to move a bit faster and get a lot stronger. The poses are from Ashtanga Vinyasa's first and second series. Rocket 2 uses the poses from the first three Ashtanga Vinyasa series, focusing on the strength of arms, as well as back bending, and hip opening. Rocket 3 is practiced on Friday and is called Happy Hour all over the world to celebrate the week. It is also an all-level class and suitable especially to those who like to add some challenge and fun to their practice.
Yin and Restorative Yoga
Yin yoga in its essence gives you the possibility to relax, surrender, enjoy the present moment, and accept everything that comes up as it is. By allowing yourself to remain in stillness and in silence you can dive deeper and your target in the connective tissues and fascia. Yin yoga is a very effective way to increase softness and flexibility as the poses are held from 2-6 minutes. It is a meditative practice with the intention of self-acceptance, kindness, and peace of mind.
Restorative Yoga is a slow and meditative practice for everyone. We will be using bolsters, blocks, and blankets to fully support the body, aiming to activate its natural relaxation response. All poses are on the floor and are held for 6-15 minutes each. Come and unwind from the day and reconnect with your feeling body without much activity. It is a perfect complement to our more active yang style of classes.
Modified Primary Series - MPS
Modified Primary Series (MPS) is an intro to all our classes. Based on the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, the MPS class includes sun salutations, standing, and seated postures and introduces you to the breathing and movement techniques specific to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This class has a steady tempo and more of a focus on alignment, holding the space for each and every student to find their own modification at their given level, making the practice accessible for all. MPS is a great homecoming practice to yoga rookies, as well as seasoned practitioners. It can introduce you to self-practice and always great class to revisit regularly. The first part of the class will start with a warm-up of sun salutations to build up heat. The standing series promotes balance and symmetry and aids in the process of health and purification of the body. The final part of the class is a deeper focus on seated postures with the intention of keeping poses modified and accessible to each student's individual level. Seated meditation and/or finishing sequence will conclude the practice with deep relaxation; savasana.
Follow The Yogi
Follow The Yogi a silent all-levels morning practice with practitioners following one yogi in a room / going at their own pace. It is an opportunity to connect with the self-practice and experience a silent moving meditation. Come as you are, do what feels good. We start with sun-salutations and end in savasana - You'll no what to do by watching the followed Yogi, there is no verbal guidance. This is an invitation to let go of form and wake up the feeling body. You are invited to observe the practice however it comes to you on that given day. Ideal for those who wish to practice in silence/to music with others; It welcomes those who have never practiced before and also those who wish to integrate the sequence and deepen their self-practice and confidence. Trust the process. Take as many resting poses as you want and do as many handstands you feel. A beautiful way to start the day: Just Relax, Breathe and Go with the Flow.