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AromaTouch® Technique

Gentle touch of essential oils! Eeterlike õlide pehme puudutus!

1 h
150 euros
Narva maantee 38-405 (Trepikoda 4)

Service Description

The AromaTouch® Technique is the application of essential oils to the back and feet. This technique combines the benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. AromaTouch ™ Technique, developed by Dr. David K. Hill, MD, a renowned expert on essential oils and integrative medicine, is a method for applying 8 different essential oils, with the result of deep physical and mental relaxation. It may also help to balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. I use high quality dōTERRA (CPTG - Certified Potent Therapeutic Grade) essential oils, which contain the purest, safest and most beneficial natural oils from seeds, herbs, flowers, roots, peels and leaves, that can be found nowadays. What to expect? Be ready for a 60minutes therapeutic experience. Eight different essential oils will be applied to your back and souls of the feet : a) Balance and Lavender to calm, soothe and relax. b) Melaleuca and OnGuard to support inner cleansing. c) AromaTouch and DeepBlue to decrease pain and inflammation. d) Wild orange and Peppermint to energize and bring the body back to homeostasis. Suitable for children, adults and seniors! ---------- AromaTouch® tehnika on eeterlike õlide kandmine seljale ja jalgadele. See tehnika ühendab inimese puudutuse imelised kasutegurid eeterlike õlide jõuga. AromaTouch® tehnika, mille on välja töötanud tuntud eeterlike õlide ja integreeriva meditsiini ekspert dr David K. Hill, MD, on meetod 8 erineva eeterliku õli peale kandmiseks. Selle tulemuseks on sügav füüsiline ja vaimne lõdvestus ning samuti võib see aidata tasakaalustada keha sümpaatilist ja parasümpaatilist närvisüsteemi. Ma kasutan kvaliteetseid dōTERRA (CPTG - Certified Potent Therapeutic Grade) eeterlikke õlisid, mis sisaldavad kõige puhtamaid, ohutumaid ja kasulikumaid looduslikke õlisid seemnetest, ürtidest, lilledest, juurtest, koortest ja lehtedest. Mida oodata? Ole valmis 60-minutiliseks terapeutiliseks kogemuseks. Sinu seljale ja jala taldadele kantakse kaheksa erinevat eeterlikku õli: a) Balance ja lavendel rahustamiseks ja lõõgastumiseks. b) Melaleuca ja OnGuard sisemise puhastuse toetamiseks. c) AromaTouch ja DeepBlue valu ja põletiku vähendamiseks. d) Metsik apelsin ja piparmünt, et anda energiat ja viia keha tagasi homöostaasi. Sobib nii lastele, täiskasvanutele kui ka eakatele!

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel the class later than 1 day before, it will be counted as a class/day off from your card 🙏

Contact Details

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