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Rasedate jooga - Prenatal Yoga

Prices Vary
Narva maantee 38-405 (Trepikoda 4)

Service Description

Ootan sind praktiseerima õrna ja toetavat sünnituseelset joogat, mille eesmärgiks on soodustada naise vaimset ja füüsilist valmisolekut sünnitamiseks. Erinevad poosid tugevdavad vastupidavust ja enesekindlust ning õpetavad lõõgastuma ja kuulama enda keha ja kõhubeebit. Tunnis modifitseerime poose vastavalt kehale ja harjutame vaagnapõhja lihaste lõdvestamist ning kontrollimist. Lõpetame lühikese meditatsiooniga, mis õpetab viibima hetkes iseenda ja kõhubeebiga. Kui see on sinu esimene joogatund, anna seda mulle kindlasti tunni alguses teada. Enne praktikat söö midagi väikest ja võta kaasa ka veepudel. Stuudio asub neljandal korrusel, kuhu pääsed ligi liftiga. Osaluspanus 1 x 15 € 4 x 40 € 10 x 90 € Tasumine sularahas või eelnevalt kokku leppides arvega. Kohapeal on matid, bolsterid, pleedid ja muu vajalik. … I am waiting for you to practice gentle and supportive prenatal yoga, the purpose of which is to encourage a woman's mental and physical readiness to give birth. Different poses strengthen endurance and self-confidence and teach you to relax and listen to your body and your baby. In class, we modify the poses according to the body and practice relaxing and controlling the muscles of the pelvic floor. We end with a short meditation that teaches you to stay in the moment with yourself and your baby. If this is your first yoga class, be sure to let me know at the beginning of the class. Before practice, eat something small and take a water bottle with you. The studio is located on the fourth floor, accessible by elevator. Participation contribution 1 x €15 4 x €40 10 x €90 Payment in cash or by invoice in advance. There are mats, bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks, everything you need to enjoy the class

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel the class later than 1 day before, it will be counted as a class/day off from your card 🙏

Contact Details

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